Wednesday, August 7, 2013

9 Nutrition Myths Exposed

9 Nutrition Myths Exposed

Here are some common myths that have gone in and out of fashion over the years and the REAL truth behind the hype.

1. FAT MAKES YOU FAT: It's true that dietary fat contains twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein, but what makes us fat isn't the dietary fat, it's the calories in that fat . In fact, the calories in the carbohydrates and the calories in the protein can also make us fat. Dietary fat is very important to human health, and should make up around 25 to 30 percent of our caloric intake. Companies started taking out the fat in many products. But unfortunately, this fat was replaced with more sugar! Check the labels and make sure that the kind of fat in the product is unsaturated, for your health-and make sure there aren't too many calories for your waistline.

2. FOODS WITH HIGH CHOLESTEROL GIVE YOU HIGH CHOLESTEROL: As with dietary fat, foods with high dietary cholesterol levels are believed by many to raise blood cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, because dietary and blood cholesterols have been given the same name, people take an attitude of "cholesterol in, cholesterol out." However, studies are increasingly showing that high blood cholesterol comes from a diet high in saturated fats, while foods high in dietary cholesterol have a fairly negligible effect on high blood cholesterol. To simplify: Foods high in dietary cholesterol but low in saturated fat such as eggs, shrimp, lobster, crab, clams, and other shellfish can be safely eaten in moderation without having much effect on blood cholesterol levels

3. SNACKING CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN: Isn't this what mom always said? "No snacking or you'll ruin your appetite!" Good! Go ahead, ruin your appetite! If you ruin your appetite, you won't eat so much dinner. Nutrition experts have pretty much come to a consensus that you're much better off having six small meals over the course of the day than two or three giant meals. You'll give your body a steady source of fuel and keep your blood sugar levels and metabolism at an even keel all day long. Keep in mind though, permission to snack isn't permission to stuff your face with Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos, or any other kind of -tos. Choose healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, and Greek yogurt.

4. IF YOU EXERCISE ENOUGH, YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT: How many times have you heard your horrible friends who never gain weight say, "Oh, I'll just run it off," to justify whatever sinful treat would give you a third buttock if you ate it? It's impossible to keep a fit, healthy figure without both a healthy diet and exercise. Losing weight and maintaining weight is a simple equation: if you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight.

5. DRINKING LOTS OF WATER FLUSHES OUT THE FAT: Any excess water that your body doesn't need for proper hydration and functioning will simply get peed out, and, sadly, it won't be taking any fat with it. You should make sure that you drink enough water, but don't go overboard thinking you can chug away your love handles. Drinking plenty of water is vital for weight loss. If you're dehydrated, your energy and exercise will suffer. Also, many times we confuse thirst for hunger, so it's always worth trying a glass of H2O before we hit the fridge. Drinking water can even give your metabolism a slight boost.

6. MULTIGRAIN BREAD IS BETTER THAN WHITE BREAD: While whole-grain bread is better than white bread, multigrain bread is only better if the grains are whole grains, which isn't always the case. With the bread industry, it's really important to check the ingredient list carefully. For example, "wheat bread" is just white bread with molasses added for color. Unless it says "whole-wheat" bread, you're not getting the added fiber and nutrients that come with using whole grains as ingredients. So even if the headline on the packaging says "whole-grain," double-check the ingredient list to make sure all the grains, or at least the main ones, are whole.

7. SUGAR CAUSES DIABETES: Many people falsely assume that because diabetics have to watch their sugar and carbohydrate intake that sugar causes diabetes. But if you don't have diabetes, sugar won't cause you to get it. The main risk factors for type 2 diabetes are being overweight and being inactive. This isn't to say that it's okay to eat lots of sugar, but it's good to be aware that if you have a high-calorie diet, you are still just as much at risk for diabetes, even if that high-calorie diet doesn't include a lot of sugar.

8. GRAPEFRUIT BURNS FAT: Grapefruit is a very healthy citrus fruit and worth eating as part of a varied diet. It has tons of vitamin C and can help fight arterial plaque buildup, and maybe even certain kinds of cancers. But grapefruit can't burn fat. Cabbage soup can't burn fat. Celery can't burn fat. In fact, no food can. Some foods can temporarily increase your metabolism to assist your exercise efforts in fat loss, but the only way to truly burn fat is through exercise.

9. LIGHT OLIVE OIL HAS FEWER CALORIES THAN OLIVE OIL: Light or extra-light olive oil has been heavily processed to remove the strong flavor of olive oil and make it lighter in color. It might even be combined with other vegetable oils to achieve a milder taste and color. It still has just as much fat and calories as extra-virgin olive oil, but not nearly as many nutritional benefits, including vitamin E and polyphenols.

So there you have it, 9 nutrition myths exposed! Have you fallen for any of these myths? I know I sure have...specifically #1, #2, #3, and #4! But now you know better No more falling for the latest "fad diet." Keep it simple by exercising and eating an array of whole foods.

Jaylene Welch
MBFC Content Manager
Don't Diet, Live Fit!

What is The Mind Body Fit Club?

We all need knowledgeable and wise people to lead us out of the common pitfalls of paralyzing fear, constant doubt, hovering insecurity, and into our amazing strength, uncommon brilliance, beauty, and boldness that has been present all along. You don't have to struggle alone!

With The Mind Body Fit Club we will help you find your own inner voice, discover your own inner Fit Chick and take uncommon visionary steps leading to an explosion of amazing success, confidence, happiness, and fun! You aren't here to do what has been done before. You're here to live the dream and do the work you came to do, in the way that you came to do it.
The time is now to go beyond fear, stand in your strength, and own your power and bravery. Visit The Mind Body Fit Club webisite for more information on how you too can begin living a fitter, happier, healthier life!

The Ant Philosophy

The Ant Philosophy
by Jim Rohn

Over the years I've been teaching kids about a simple but powerful concept—the ant philosophy. I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy, and here is the first part: ants never quit. That's a good philosophy. If they're headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they'll look for another way. They'll climb over, they'll climb under, they'll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you're supposed to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That's an important perspective. You can't be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants gather their winter food in the middle of summer.
An ancient story says, “Don't build your house on the sand in the summer.” Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead. In the summer, you've got to think storm. You've got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.

The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, “This won't last long; we'll soon be out of here.” And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they'll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can't wait to get out.

And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the “all–you–possibly–can” philosophy.
Wow, what a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy.
Jaylene Welch
MBFC Content Manager
Don't Diet, Live Fit!

What is The Mind Body Fit Club?

We all need knowledgeable and wise people to lead us out of the common pitfalls of paralyzing fear, constant doubt, hovering insecurity, and into our amazing strength, uncommon brilliance, beauty, and boldness that has been present all along. You don't have to struggle alone!

With The Mind Body Fit Club we will help you find your own inner voice, discover your own inner Fit Chick and take uncommon visionary steps leading to an explosion of amazing success, confidence, happiness, and fun! You aren't here to do what has been done before. You're here to live the dream and do the work you came to do, in the way that you came to do it.

The time is now to go beyond fear, stand in your strength, and own your power and bravery. Visit The Mind Body Fit Club webisite for more information on how you too can begin living a fitter, happier, healthier life!

Learned Helplessness

Most suffer from a condition known as “Learned Helplessness.” Wikipedia has an explanation: A condition where, though we have solutions available to us to solve our problems, we have gotten so used to NOT solving them that we have  “learned” that there is nothing that can be done to solve any problems.   For example, a woman who feels shy in social situations may eventually begin to feel that there is nothing she can do to overcome her symptoms. This sense that her symptoms are out of her direct control may lead her to stop trying to engage herself in social situations, thus making her shyness even more pronounced.

Isn't it a common consensus: "But what can you do?" Acceptance, right?
WRONG...The FIRST step for real change is awakening to the fact that there is a solution- and that it is likely to be chaotic until the changes happen. Turn your focus inward, it is time for a change. As people, we fear change, but the changes are often meaningful and revelatory. The message of change can be difficult, but it is through overcoming obstacles and difficulties that we grow the most. Do not become fearful or uncomfortable when confronted with the challenge, instead anticipate the end result. If you’re having difficulty realizing what should change, then change the way you’re looking at yourself or a problem. Trust in your intuition that which needs to be changed will be revealed.  Learn to understand the meaning buried in the symbols and messages that surround you. The energy of your will can be used to shape and create the life you've always dreamed of. This ties into the message of change, not only can you change internally, but you can change the external. Again, people often dread this because developing strong willpower, changing, or exercising your intention, takes dedication and persistence.
Keep the following six concepts in mind to eliminate learned helplessness:
1. Change is possible. If you don't think your life can improve, you won't take any steps to improve it. You must first open your mind to the possibility that your current situation actually can improve. If you are still having a hard time accepting this, ask yourself if it is possible for your life to get worse because of steps you take. If your life can't get worse as a result of your actions, there's no reason it can't get better, too.

2. Think big. Think outside of your self-imposed restraints. If you think big enough, you will have the motivation to take the initial steps and the fuel to keep progressing, even in the face of challenges and disappointment.

3. Get perspective. If your friend were in your situation, wouldn't you encourage her to think about her situation objectively and to take whatever action that is appropriate? What would you tell her?

4. Set goals. Just the act of setting goals will help you overcome the feeling that you have no control over your future. The energy and thought process required to set goals will get your mind thinking in a whole new way.

5. Achieving successes. One of the best ways to overcome the belief that your actions don't affect your future is to start achieving small successes. While goals must be big and motivating, there should also be small and achievable goals along the way.

6. Consider a different viewpoint.  "Optimistic people tend to interpret troubles as transient, controllable, and specific to one situation. Pessimistic people, in contrast, believe that their troubles last forever, undermine everything they do and are uncontrollable." In short, if we can change the way we explain the events that occur in our lives, we will be less likely to suffer from learned helplessness.

You do have influence over your life. Even if you don't believe it right now, act as if you do. Start small so you can begin to see how your actions produce results. Your mind is the  keeper of secrets, and a protector of truth. An interesting note about this protection is that our minds often protect us from difficult truths, or inner demons. But unless faced, the challenge will persist.  Don’t expect change to come overnight, face your own inner challenges, it takes time to untangle the knots you've spent years making. The knots are like blocks, untangle them, follow the threads, and great inner truths will be revealed.
Jaylene Welch
MBFC Content Manager
Don't Diet, Live Fit!

What is The Mind Body Fit Club?

We all need knowledgeable and wise people to lead us out of the common pitfalls of paralyzing fear, constant doubt, hovering insecurity, and into our amazing strength, uncommon brilliance, beauty, and boldness that has been present all along. You don't have to struggle alone!

With The Mind Body Fit Club we will help you find your own inner voice, discover your own inner Fit Chick and take uncommon visionary steps leading to an explosion of amazing success, confidence, happiness, and fun! You aren't here to do what has been done before. You're here to live the dream and do the work you came to do, in the way that you came to do it.
The time is now to go beyond fear, stand in your strength, and own your power and bravery. Visit The Mind Body Fit Club webisite for more information on how you too can begin living a fitter, happier, healthier life!

What we focus on expands....

What we focus on expands....

vision board
Hold out your hands in front of you, without touching them can you feel that they are there? If not at first just wait until you can feel that they are there, may be a buzz or tingle at first, focus your attention to the feeling within your hands, you will become more aware as it intensifies, see if you feel your fingers. Then see if at the same time you can include your arms, legs and feet.  Can you feel it simultaneously in all parts of the body as a single field of energy?. The more attention you give it, the clearer and stronger this feeling will become.. It will feel as if every cell is becoming more alive. 

What we Focus on expands…. Hmmm, what we Focus on expands…

If you step back and think about this, it makes a lot of sense. It is also a very powerful concept. Whatever you tend to think about, you will focus on, and create more of.  You have the power to choose and control your thoughts and your focus. You have the power to be very clear about what you want in this world that is sometimes overwhelming with images, messages, distractions. Give power and clarity to what you want, not the distractions.

If you dwell on the lack of things in your life, you put energy into what you lack, and this continues to be your experience of life. You never have enough time, self worth, good health, talent, smarts, confidence, friends, love, or the body you desire.
If you dwell on limitless possibilities and choices in your life, believe it is available to you, you focus on this, and this will be your experience of life. You will find, attract, and create success, confidence, health, love, friends, and joy in your life.
Hmmm, so, how do you do this? Here are some tips:
  • Clarity. This is the most important thing you can do. Truly decide what you want. Create a very clear picture, vision, mini video in your head about what you want to BE, DO, or HAVE.  Find powerful words, sentences, mantras to use to give your vision more energy, excitement, delight in your mind and your heart. Cut out pictures that exactly represent what you want or are a symbol of what you want. Create a vision board. Write down your words. Whatever helps give you clarity and focus. Look at your vision every day. Consciously think about your words. Look for ways to make them more powerful. Reflect on actions you can take towards making them real.

  • Let the limits go. Limits are self imposed. They are only thoughts in your head. They aren't real. They are thoughts. When the negative or limiting thoughts come into your mind, recognize them, and let them go. Visualize them floating away. There are NO LIMITS to what you can achieve.  Set a goal so big you have to grow as a person to reach it!  

  • Wishing, hoping, affirmations and prayers don’t work unless you believe that what you want is coming to you, that you deserve it, and that it is possible. Remember, a belief is simply a thought you've tho limught over and over and over. Change your beliefs with new thoughts. Expecting means you KNOW it’s going to happen, even when there is no proof. What kinds of decisions, actions and risks would you make if you KNEW/BELIEVED you would have positive results?

  • Have fun creating limitless choices. We often fall in to the trap that there are only 2 or 3 choices….this or that, yes or no, black or white. Again, thoughts in your head. Focus on creating more options, possibilities, roads to follow. Make it playful, fun, even ridiculous. Follow the creativity and fun. Do what you love to do and you will keep doing it. 

  • Trust yourself. You don’t have to know all the details, how to do it, or be totally informed about the topic. You do have to know that you will make the perfect choices for you, in perfect timing, with the perfect people, and that you have an inner guide who will always lead you down the perfect path. Really! Trust yourself!
Then return to CLARITY...make sure your thoughts are aligned with your actions. What you focus on expands….If you really desire it, get very clear about it, decide you’re going to Be/Do/Have it, focus on it, you take an inspired action, you believe, it shows up. NEVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE GOAL.  What you focus on expands. 

Try it and let me know how it goes….
Jaylene Welch
MBFC Content Manager
Don't Diet, Live Fit!

What is The Mind Body Fit Club?

We all need knowledgeable and wise people to lead us out of the common pitfalls of paralyzing fear, constant doubt, hovering insecurity, and into our amazing strength, uncommon brilliance, beauty, and boldness that has been present all along. You don't have to struggle alone!

With The Mind Body Fit Club we will help you find your own inner voice, discover your own inner Fit Chick and take uncommon visionary steps leading to an explosion of amazing success, confidence, happiness, and fun! You aren't here to do what has been done before. You're here to live the dream and do the work you came to do, in the way that you came to do it.

The time is now to go beyond fear, stand in your strength, and own your power and bravery. Visit The Mind Body Fit Club webisite for more information on how you too can begin living a fitter, happier, healthier life!

Weight loss: Gain control of emotional eating

Weight loss: Gain control of emotional eating

Find out how emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss efforts, and get tips to get control of your eating habits.
Sometimes the strongest cravings for food happen when you're at your weakest point emotionally. You may turn to food for comfort — consciously or unconsciously — when you're facing a difficult problem, stress or just looking to keep yourself occupied. But emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss. Emotional eating often leads to eating too fast, too much, especially too much of high-calorie, sweet, fatty foods. But the good news is that if you're an emotional eater  you can take steps to regain control of your eating habits and get back on track with your weight-loss goals.

The connection between mood, food and weight loss
Emotional eating is eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear, boredom, sadness and loneliness. Both major life events and the hassles of daily life can trigger negative emotions that lead to emotional eating and disrupt your weight-loss efforts. These triggers may include:
  • Financial pressure
  • Health problems
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Work stress
  • Fatigue
Although some people actually eat less in the face of strong emotions, if you're in emotional distress you may turn to impulsive or binge eating — you may rapidly eat whatever's convenient, without even enjoying it. In fact, your emotions may become so tied to your eating habits that you automatically reach for a treat whenever you're angry or stressed without stopping to think about what you're doing. Food also serves as a distraction. If you're worried about an upcoming event or stewing over a conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating comfort food instead of dealing with the painful situation.
Whatever emotions drive you to overeat, the end result is often the same. The emotions return, and you may also now bear the additional burden of guilt about setting back your weight-loss goal. This can also lead to an unhealthy cycle — your emotions trigger you to overeat, you beat yourself up for getting off your weight-loss track, you feel bad, and you overeat again.
 Tips to get your weight-loss efforts back on track
Although negative emotions can trigger emotional eating, you can take steps to control cravings and renew your effort at weight loss. To help stop emotional eating, try these tips:
  • Tame your stress. If stress contributes to your emotional eating, try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation.
  • Have a hunger reality check. Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're probably not really hungry. Give the craving a little time to pass.
  • Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you're feeling when you eat and how hungry you are. Over time, you may see patterns emerge that reveal the connection between mood and food.
  • Get support. You're more likely to give in to emotional eating if you lack a good support network. Lean on family and friends or consider joining a support group.
  • Fight boredom. Instead of snacking when you're not truly hungry, distract yourself. Take a walk, watch a movie, play with your cat, listen to music, read, surf the Internet or call a friend.
  • Take away temptation. Don't keep supplies of comfort foods in your home if they're hard for you to resist. And if you feel angry or blue, postpone your trip to the grocery store until you're sure that you have your emotions in check.
  • Don't deprive yourself. When you're trying to achieve a weight-loss goal, you may limit your calories too much, eat the same foods frequently and banish the treats you enjoy. This may just serve to increase your food cravings, especially in response to emotions. Let yourself enjoy an occasional treat and get plenty of variety to help curb cravings.
  • Snack healthy. If you feel the urge to eat between meals, choose a low-fat, low-calorie snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables with low-fat dip. Or try low-fat, lower calorie versions of your favorite foods to see if they satisfy your craving.
  • Learn from setbacks. If you have an episode of emotional eating, forgive yourself and start fresh the next day. Try to learn from the experience and make a plan for how you can prevent it in the future. Focus on the positive changes you're making in your eating habits and give yourself credit for making changes that'll lead to better health.

Don't Diet, Live Fit!!

Jaylene Welch
Mind Body Fit Club Content Manager

What is The Mind Body Fit Club?

We all need knowledgeable and wise people to lead us out of the common pitfalls of paralyzing fear, constant doubt, hovering insecurity, and into our amazing strength, uncommon brilliance, beauty, and boldness that has been present all along. You don't have to struggle alone!

With The Mind Body Fit Club we will help you find your own inner voice, discover your own inner Fit Chick and take uncommon visionary steps leading to an explosion of amazing success, confidence, happiness, and fun! You aren't here to do what has been done before. You're here to live the dream and do the work you came to do, in the way that you came to do it.

The time is now to go beyond fear, stand in your strength, and own your power and bravery. Visit The Mind Body Fit Club webisite for more information on how you too can begin living a fitter, happier, healthier life!